Monday, October 13, 2008

Stuffed and still thankful

It's only fitting that I write about thanksgiving and all. So I realized this year I just never seem to be near my family at this time of year, and if I recall correctly it's been at least 3 or 4 years since i had a thanksgiving dinner with them. I'm always in another city or another province or even sometimes another state. Yet I seem to always be invited to another family's thanksgiving. So this year I am thankful for and to all people who are like the families I have encountered in being so welcoming and generous. I think last year I was invited to 3 family dinners all on different days with different families (none mine, or should I say none by blood) I guess family is what you make of it. I have been so blessed to meet such gracious people in my so-far--lifetime. So today I am stuffed, stuffed with love and great company and some turkey. We are so lucky to be able to connect with people and enjoy a meal together. This is such a small thing but I think sometimes (I know I do) we forget how lucky we are to be able to afford to cook and prepare and enjoy a meal together. Not all people all over the world have this luxury. So I will try to be thankful more often, not just once a year because Halmark tells me I should. Giving thanks is all about personal awareness. To be aware of how much we have and how much we need and how much we take for granite and how much we are thankful. So thankful I am today and thankful I will be tomorrow. 

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