Monday, October 20, 2008

I got a little more Juice on the... Jarrett Shaw

He told he is closest with his mom, but unfortunately she lives out in Ontario. He is currently living with his godparents here in Halifax, because he didn't enjoy living in Ontario. He moved there for a year with his Family in grade 9 but didn't enjoy it and came back to Halifax the following year. Where he has since been living with his kind and generous godparents. Gotta love family seems there always there for you in the long run. One of his favorite past times growing up was playing with action figures. I think this is the boy equivalent for barbies, right? He has one sibling a younger sister that is in High School. I asked him why he wanted to be a film director, what was it that really drives him to want to become a film director.. . HE SAID "The thing that drives me... is the fact that I get to show people MY personal vision with the movies. It's a good way to express me ideas." 
So Jarrett what's one thing in your bedroom you couldn't live without? 
umm any ideas guys... this is defiantly a guy answer i got from him! 
HE SAID "haha the one thing in my bedroom I couldn't live without would be my playstation 3 and my tv."
first off Jarrett thats two things.. getting greedy on me! and clearly you dont have any sentimental items in your room or you do and they just aren't sentimental to you :( 
I asked him for a motto or saying he lived by and HE SAID "your dreams only go as far as you take them, so don't stop dream"
And last but defiantly not least I asked him What characteristic do you most dislike in other people? by the way I completely agree with answer  
....AND HE SAID.....
"The one characteristic I really dislike in people, is settling for less and not achieving as much as they are capable of. Basically people who have no self-confidence" 
*might I add he believes that everyone is born with self-confidence but the thinks the media shuts people down because they think they can't be what they see on t.v. or people criticizing one another and negative thoughts implied towards one another. 
Wow thats a loaded answer and question to end it on. But it's a great on to get people thinking.. why do we call it out of our reach??? It's only out of your reach if your not reaching for it!!! 

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